Wednesday 24 June 2015

Faculty Attitudes Towards Service-Learning - A Survey

Our initiative to enhance and grow service-learning on our campus began with the question: 

Do faculty want to engage in service-learning?
The answer to this question would legitimize our efforts to develop a campus wide framework, and would demonstrate a desire and willingness on the part of faculty to engage in learning about, and developing service-learning initiatives.  It would also help us to uncover and celebrate the work already being done by our faculty.

First, we needed to find out what faculty already know about service-learning (how do faculty define service-learning?). Next, we needed to understand how faculty perceive service-learning (is service-learning worth the effort?), what barriers exist (my course has already been written), and finally what resources and supports are needed.

Our first approach was to construct and disseminate a faculty survey in May 2015.  We are excited to share some of our initial results below:

What do you think? 

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