Thursday 11 June 2015

Humber HRT in Nicaragua

In conversation with faculty new to service-learning, two main topics have surfaced.  First, how does one get started?  and second, what are other faculty at Humber up to?  

I am excited to introduce you to Mary Lendway, a faculty member with the School of Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism who has been engaging her students in experiential and service-learning for many years.  Mary developed the Study @ Sea program, a 3 credit elective course in the Tourism Management program at Humber, which has seen 254 graduates.  She is an advocate and supporter for international service-learning programs, and this past May, Mary planned a trip for students to travel to Nicaragua.  While in Nicaragua, students engaged in service activities including: teaching English, building a house, visiting the local dump, and preparing meals.

Students' written reflections described their overall impressions, what they learned about sustainable tourism, and how their personal outlook on life has changed:
"It is an educational experience it made me think about others more rather than just myself.  It had taught me to make better choices in life in terms of supporting the locals when I travel and spreading the words to family and friends about sustainable tourism" Ivy
"It was such a touching experience.  Seeing the beautiful faces of the people living in that area and being able to be of service to them for the time we were there was inspiring.  Made me reflect on what I take advantage of everyday.  Just having enough is a blessing and anything extra are added blessings" Cimoan
Within these few sentences we can get a sense the profound effect service-learning has had on these students.  They reflect on academic learning outcomes (such as sustainable tourism), professional attitudes, and personal growth. It is not always an easy journey for students, and it certainly requires a lot of work and planning, but it is easy to see how the final impact on students can provide the motivation to engage in this kind of work.

To visit the trip's blog click on the link below:

To find out more about this trip, or see video clips of past trips click on the links below:

To contact Mary directly you can reach her at: 
Mary Lendway, MBA, Professor
School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism Humber College

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