
A blog about service-learning for the beginner practitioner.

Serve - Learn - Reflect


My blog is intended as a tool or starting point for faculty or staff looking to get started with service-learning.  As I began my own research, I found the volume of literature overwhelming and I quickly learned I had to start sorting through all the various themes that inform service-learning including: learning theories, reflective practice, assessment techniques, learning outcomes and building and sustaining community partners.

I also realized that all of this information had no use sitting in my head, so I thought I would share it with others in a way that is quick to read, easy digest, and full of click-able links and academic resources.   

If you are a Humber Faculty member and are looking for support you can contact me:

Centre for Teaching and Learning
Humber College
North Campus, Room 225
416-675-6622 ext. 5942

Share your feedback, add comments, and enjoy!

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